Menu of the Week

May 21, 2010

Week commencing Monday 24th May

Monday 24th May
Roasted Fennel, Asparagus and carrots with toasted sesame seeds served with a feta and basil tofu, tomato salad
Nutritional facts: Fennel is great for your digestion and water retention.  Feta and tofu are a great source of protein giving you lots of energy!

Tuesday 25th May
Spanish omelette served with baked Portobello mushrooms with a raw spinach, butter bean and avocado salad.
Nutritional facts:  This is a high protein meal with Eggs that are easily digested and butter beans… giving you plenty of energy to get through the day!  Avocados are a superfood high in vitamin E

Wednesday 26th May
Large salad with brown rice steamed broccoli, diced tofu marinated in turmeric and agave, flaked almonds, grated carrots and radishes.
Nutritional facts: Turmeric powder has amazing healing properties and is great for boosting your immune system.  Brown rice is easily digestible and good for weight loss and has large amounts of magnesium which is great for cramps.

Thursday 27th May
Healthy green vegetable curry with red rice infused with lemon grass served with a spinach, apple, almonds and dried fig salad.
Nutritional facts: Coconut oil is a top superfood that aids digestion and weight loss.  Raw spinach is very high in antioxidants, calcium and iron. Almonds are a wonderful source of protein.

Friday 28th May
Quinoa with chick peas and red tomatoes, green beans and  asparagus served with luscious green salad with and pumpkin seeds and feta cheese.
Nutritional facts: This is a high protein based meal giving you lots of energy for the weekend ahead!  Quinoa, chick peas and the pumpkin seeds are also very high in protein.  Asparagus is a great detoxer and helps to reduce water retention in your body making you look and feel slim-line!

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Please ordere before 9.30am the day you want your lunch!

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