Menu of the Week

March 8, 2010

Happy Women's Day

This was sent to me from our wonderful healer Dr. Usha from India today...

Today we celebrate the international women's day and Id like take the opportunity to express my love, joy, admiration and gratitude to all the women I know and even to the ones I don't know yet. Coming on Monday, the Moon day, the time of peace, healing, caring and psychic awareness.

Celebrate the sacredness of being a beautiful woman this life with Grandmother Moon and her eternal support and inspiration, with Mother Earth and Her abundant and healing energy! Celebrate the Divine feminine within and its outer manifestations! Celebrate the mysterious feminine and your intuition - "the treasfre of a woman's psyche"! Celebrate with all your relations, include your sisters, ancestors and descendants! Celebrate your womanhood in the fullest, today and everyday!

As a woman, you are already an expression of the universal archetype, and you deserve to be honoured as such.

A Strong & Vibrant Woman
Is one who feels deeply and loves fiercely.
Is both soft and powerful.
She is both practical and spiritual.
In her essence
is a gift to the world.
Adapted from a poem received from dear Rachel Bavin.

In celebration & sisterhood

March 3, 2010

Delicious Mixed Bean and Apricot soup

I had some left over mixed beans that I used for a salad a few days ago and thought I would make them into a delicious heart warming soup... it turned out really well so here is the recipie!

1 tin of butter beans
1 tin of Beluga lentils
1 tin of chickpeas
6 dried apricots
Vegetable yeast free stock cube
2 cloves of chopped garlic
Pinch of Sea salt, ground cumin, black pepper
A dribble of balsamic vinegar
Sprinkle of fresh chopped rosemary

Put all the beans into a sauce pan together and cover with water so it is a couple of inches above the beans.  Throw in the garlic, apricots, ground cumin, fresh rosemary and black pepper and leave to boil for about 40 minutes (stir occasionally) Put everything into a blender and blend it up!  While blending boil the kettle.... The consistency will be very thick to start with but put back into the sauce pan and put a stock cube into your blender with a 1 cup of water and the apricot and blend.  Then add this stock to your soup to create the consistency your require.  Add salt to taste and a dribble of balsamic.... then sit back serve up and enjoy your creation.

(serves 3-4 depending on how thin you make your soup)

March 1, 2010

Time to be more aware….

In the last few days I have been shown a lot of videos on the cruelty to animals for our consumption. I am not going to start preaching to you all as don’t feel that is my place to do so, but I really do think it is important to be more conscious of what we are consuming.  We live in a world where there is a lot of greed, violence and trauma but also in the same place there is a lot of love, compassion and kindness, so lets tap into the latter!

I am asking each and everyone who reads this to become more aware of your actions… be it walking down the street with a frown on our face as this might have a negative affect on the person walking towards you to snapping at a loved one because we are tired or knowing what we are eating and where it has come from. 

Become responsible for your actions, as the reaction can be much greater.  Remember a simple decision in our lives can have a huge impact on many others around us.

Shanti shanti shanti
(peace peace peace)
