Menu of the Week

May 7, 2010

Ganesh Munchies week commencing 10th May

Monday 10th May
Large salad with brown rice steamed broccoli, diced tofu marinated in turmeric and agave, flaked almonds, grated carrots and radishes.
Nutritional facts: Turmeric powder has amazing healing properties and is great for boosting your immune system.  Brown rice is easily digestible and good for weight loss and has large amounts of magnesium which is great for cramps.

Tuesday 11th May
Roasted carrots, beetroots and fennel with rosemary with a serving of amaranth grain infused with ginger and an avocado, radish, sunflower seed and sprouted salad
Nutritional facts: This is a very cleansing meal, beetroots help to cleanse the liver, fennel is full of antioxidants and a great source of fibre which helps cleanse the colon, radishes are known for cleansing the blood.  Avocado is a superfood which is very high in Vitamin E which helps keep your skin radiant and sprouts are live food that are a great source of protein and energy.  Amaranth is the highest protein grain and has high levels of calcium, magnesium and iron.

Wednesday 12th May
Spanish omelette served with baked Portobello mushrooms with a raw spinach, butter bean and avocado salad.
Nutritional facts:  This is a high protein meal with Eggs that are easily digested and butter beans… giving you plenty of energy to get through a Friday and lots of energy for the weekend!  Avocados are a superfood high in vitamin E.

Thursday 13th May
Vegetable Shepherds pie with a butter bean mash topping served with a lambs lettuce avocado and apple salad.
Nutritional facts: The butter bean mash provides you with a great protein kick to give you energy throughout the day.  Avocado is a superfood and is very high in Vitamin E which is great for your skin.

Friday 14th May
Baked red peppers stuffed with wild rice diced courgettes, squash and tomatoes and sunflower seeds served with a raw red cabbage, spinach and feta salad.
Nutritional facts: Raw cabbage is easily digested and is high in vitamin A which is great for the skin and also helps to stimulate the intestines. Is great for detoxing after the weekend!  Wild rice is high in vitamin B which is great as this is good for energy, good digestion and healthy hair, skin and nails.  Feta and sunflower seeds are a great source of protein which give you energy.

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